
All of the images on this site excluding header images are licensed under a Creative Commons Licence. This means that you can download, copy, and redistribute the images in any medium. This licence is completely free and you do not need to contact us. For more information on the licence click here. This licence is great for sharing the images online and using them as screen backgrounds. However, the images are not in their full resolution and have a small watermark.

If you are interested in making a print and would rather use you own your own print shop or printer, you can purchase a licence. FAA boasts museum quality printing and is renowned as selling fine art, but consequently, their prices can be high. As an alternative, you can buy a licence for a particular image and we will send you the full resolution version without a watermark.

If you would like to purchase a licence, want more information on licences, or have any questions, please contact us through Facebook here.